Seminar for Teachers of Underfilled Schools to Have Started in Aktobe

This year, the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund and the Ministry of Education are implementing the pilot project “Development of the potential of underfilled rural schools using digital technologies”.
The seminar has brought together more than 700 teachers from 134 underfilled schools participating in the pilot project. During the two days of the seminar, teachers will undergo trainings on the development of skills for solving complex mathematical problems, conducting laboratory and practical work in physics, chemistry, biology, and skills for the development of speech activity on the subject. The training is conducted by teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School.
“We have a big shortage of personnel in rural areas. We think that this issue can be solved partly with the help of digital technologies, as well as by raising the level of teachers through offline and online learning. Today, methodologists and developers of the platforms Daryn Online, Online Mektep Amansultan, Roqed Science, will take floor before the teachers - on the use of content posted on educational platforms for organizing lessons on subjects,” Rustam Abilov, the Head of the Department of the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education says.
Experts of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan will also speak at the seminar-meeting.
Recall that this year, the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund and the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Akimat of Aktobe region, has launched the pilot project “Development of the potential of small rural schools using digital technologies”, in which 134 rural undefilled schools participate. Schools will receive free access to digital programs of leading Kazakhstani educational platforms within the framework of the project.

Science classrooms will be also equipped in the participating schools of the project at the expense of the funds of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund. The Akimat of Aktobe region, in turn, undertakes to improve the quality of the Internet in schools.
2023-08-17 08:48