2 Hub Schools to Have Been Presented in Zhambyl Region

This year, two schools of Zhambyl region have been included in the project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas”. Schools have been officially presented in Zhualy and Moyinkum villages today.

Within the framework of the joint project of Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund, AITAS Holding, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, the training of teachers of hub schools on the basis of NIS continues. Also, three hub schools of the region are fully equipped with new educational equipment.
Ryskulov school in Moyinkum village was commissioned in 1979. In 2022, it underwent major repairs and was given the opportunity to participate in the project for the development of hub schools. Although the school, located far from the regional center, is designed for 784 people, currently 479 students study there.

Yerlan Karashokeyev, Akim of Zhambyl region, has taken part in the presentation. He spoke about the work done in the region and stressed the importance of support provided to rural children.
“The brighter future of the country lies in the hands of an educated and well-bred generation. Today, the competitiveness indicator is measured by the level of education. Therefore, our goal is to bring up well–bed, far-sighted citizens. This is one of components of human capital development in our region,” Akim of the region summed up.
“The brighter future of the country lies in the hands of an educated and well-bred generation. Today, the competitiveness indicator is measured by the level of education. Therefore, our goal is to bring up well–bed, far-sighted citizens. This is one of components of human capital development in our region,” Akim of the region summed up.
“According to the plan, we will provide methodological support of the educational process for 3 years. In the first week of September, we taught physics, chemistry and biology teachers to work with new equipment. They began to carry out various laboratory work,” Karakoz Izbassarkyzy says.
Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund has allocated about KZT250 million to the school and equipped 36 classrooms. They include additional education classrooms, such as robotics, a STEM laboratory, an art studio and a film studio.
“The project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas” is aimed at introducing new methods into the education system and ensuring a high level of education for rural children. Last year, 17 hub schools in 17 regions of the country were included in the project, and this year it has increased to 63 schools. Today, educational institutions in Moyinkum and Zhosaly have started working as hub schools,” Lazzat Chingisbayeva says.
The Fund for Sustainable Development of Education has added three schools of Zhambyl region to the network of hub schools. Daniyar Toktarbayev, the Head of the Fund, has focused on plans in Zhambyl region.
“Next year, 8 more schools in the region will become hub ones. Our big goal is to open one school in each district of the country. In turn, these schools will share their experience with small schools located nearby. As a result, children even in the smallest villages will have access to high-quality education,” Director of the Fund says.
23 schools have already been presented within the framework of the project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas”. By the end of 2024, the partners intend to open 200 hub schools in each district and single-industry city of the country.

It should be noted that this project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in cooperation with Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund, the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.
2023-10-01 16:15