Teachers of Hub Schools to Take a Course on Computer Technologies for Designing Sewing Products

Teachers of technology for girls participating in the project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas” will take a course on computer technologies for designing sewing products Grazia CAD.

Software developers will provide teachers with educational materials: a video presentation and training materials on Grazia CAD, recording of the webinar “New level of clothing design”, video instruction “Getting Started in Grazia”, Self-help 401 version (textbook), video lessons. During the course, support from the developer in the WhatsApp chat will be available. Upon completion of the course, participants will have an online meeting with the developers on all issues that arise.

Those who complete the course will receive certificates from Kazdidac and software developers, in addition, it is possible to obtain a Grazia Certificate.

To participate, you must fill out an application and send it to

The course starts on March 18 and runs until April 8.

2024-03-15 12:46