"The world is torn by major problems, conflicts at the levels of geopolitics, religion, and ideology. The most important question we tried to answer together with the speakers is, what should people do with their ego? I sincerely hope we continue to seek answers to this question. At the very least, we should pave the way for this search.
Our main task is to show the world that there is a community in Kazakhstan that is thinking about the future 20-30 years ahead. This is a very important mission – to understand what world will replace the one we live in today. I firmly believe that the future world should be governed by human values. The new world primarily needs harmony," he stated.
"We want to approach the issue of finding solutions to pressing world problems today from a worldview side. In this amazing time of uncertainty, is global synchronization of a shared vision for the future possible? Nature itself has given us the key to the answer. We see this in examples of synchronization – the flickering of fireflies, the synchronized movement of a metronome. They find their rhythm by coming together in harmony. This holds an important truth: global narratives can also come into harmony."
"Responsibility towards the world, respect for people, benefits for society, care for the environment, and investment in education and the development of future generations are not just abstract concepts existing in people's minds. For our organizing team, these are a part of our DNA. We strive to prove and demonstrate this both within our country and to the rest of the world. Therefore, during the CONNECTED conference, our goal was to unite talented thinkers from various countries on one platform," emphasized the conference's Co-founder, General Producer, Ruslan Zhemkov.
"For thousands of years, we humans have lived within a human world, where everything around us, from physical artifacts to financial, religious, and political systems, has been a product of human consciousness. Nothing else on Earth could invent such things. But now, Artificial Intelligence can begin to invent new types of values across all spheres — from financial systems to religion. We need to understand now what will happen to governments and human society when people lose control over such essential elements as political or financial systems," Harari noted.
"We must embrace new opportunities while protecting and preserving our humanity. We need to redefine values and goals that go beyond increasing efficiency or financial gains. In the coming era of AI, we will be valued not for our ability to manage technologies or become faster with their help, but for our androrhythms – our unique human skills and qualities," emphasized Gerd Leonhard.