Monitoring of Hub Schools Project to Started

From December 10 to February 1, the FSDE monitors compliance of the supplied equipment quality under the project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas”.

A commission has been set up to conduct monitoring from among the staff of the FSDE and the specialists involved.

During this period, the Monitoring Commission will visit all schools participating in the project, conduct an inventory of equipment in accordance with the technical specification, and provide the necessary advice to school principals on balancing the received educational material.

In addition, at the end of the period, recommendations for improving the project will be developed.

Earlier, the quality of education in schools was monitored.

Recall that since 2022, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund, AITAS Holding, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the FSDE, with the support of the Ministry of Education, have been implementing a charity project “Development of the Potential of Hub Schools in Rural Areas”. The project is aimed at reducing the gap in the quality of education between the city and the countryside and includes three areas: teacher training, updating the material base of rural schools, methodological support.
2023-12-21 10:26