New Opportunities To Have Appeared for Pupils of Kadyr Myrza Ali School in Safonovka Village

A significant event has taken place today in Safonovka village of Atyrau region. Kadyr Myrza Ali school has opened its doors to everyone and presented the project “Development of the Hub School Potential in Rural Areas”.
The school is equipped with a STEM laboratory, an ART studio, an Intellectual office, workshops, a library, a TV studio and classrooms. Financing for equipping the material and technical base of the rural school was carried out within the framework of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund.
The project, which brought together business, the state and society, is aimed at reducing the gap in the quality of education between the city and the countryside. In addition, its goal is to introduce the best pedagogical practices and techniques and provide support schools with the necessary material and technical base.
“Today there is a gap between rural and urban schools, the decline in the quality of education is especially reflected in rural areas. For a systematic and comprehensive solution of this issue, the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund, together with partners, has decided to develop rural hub schools that will become competence centers and will contribute to improving the quality of teaching in other schools. Within the framework of the program “Development of the Hub School Potential in Rural Areas”, we equip and provide methodological support to 17 rural hub schools so that in the future the acquired knowledge and skills can be transferred to other underfilled schools where there are problems with the material and technical base and personnel. Today, 11 schools are equipped in the regions,” Lazzat Chinkisbayeva, the Deputy CEO of Kazakhstan Khalkyna Public Fund, noted.
All this will allow the school not only to become the center of village life, but also make it a magnet for small schools in the region, to which it will transfer its practical and methodological experience.
The presentation began with an overview of the rural school and its role in the formation of rural youth. Daniyar Toktarbayev, Director of the Education Sustainable Development Fund, has spoken about how rural schools began to provide quality education to children from rural areas, which is an important step in their lives.
To date, the staff of the Education Sustainable Development Fund and specialists of the project partner, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO have completed work on the analysis of the educational environment and the quality of teaching at school. Analysts have formed recommendations for the development of the school as a hub, and are holding advanced training courses necessary for teachers.
40 school teachers have participated in a two-day offline seminar on the topic “Improving the Functional Literacy of Pupils” on the basis of NIS in Atyrau.

According to the Director of the school, after upgrading the qualifications of teachers, the quality of teaching has significantly improved, and children’s involvement in the educational process.
“Improving the skills of teachers has made lessons more interesting and more intense, and updated classrooms and new classrooms attract students. It has become much more interesting for them to go to school, now it is not only a place of study, but also a hobby center where they can develop their talents,” Sabyrzhan Zhupargaliyev notes.
“Our Fund is engaged in the development of hub schools. To date, the project covers 17 regions of Kazakhstan, in which about 13 thousand children study and about 2 thousand teachers work. I also want to note that the training program is conducted by the project partner, NIS AEO on a free basis, all operational and administrative costs are borne by the project operator – ESDF at the expense of sponsorship funds of AITAS Holding,” Daniyar Toktarbayev, Director of the Education Sustainable Development Fund says.