STEM Laboratory, Intellectual Classrooms To Open in the Village School of Saudakent

The project “Increasing the Hub School Potential in Rural Areas” was presented at the Baltabai Adambayev secondary school in Saudakent village of Sarysu district in Zhambyl region. The school was not chosen by chance for this project.
Saudakent village is located 165.4 km from Taraz - regional center. The Baltabai Adambayev School building was founded in 1973. Currently, 935 pupils study at the school, 116 teachers work.
As part of the project, it is now possible to improve the qualifications of teachers and completely update the material and technical base of the school. In particular, the school is fully equipped with 35 classrooms and master classes of additional education. STEM laboratories, an art studio and an intellectual study were opened, and the assembly hall and library are equipped with modern technology. KZT249 825 000 has been allocated for all this as part of the support of Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund. In general, work will continue to improve the quality of education of selected schools, transfer the best pedagogical practices and effective methods to rural schools.
“Since 2022, when the Fund was established, we have sponsored more than 20 projects. I would like the participating schools of the project to be not just beautiful, cozy educational institutions, but auxiliary, hub ones for other schools of the district. To do this, everyone is working hard. The work is still ongoing. It is known that there are not enough subject teachers in the schools of the districts. Now the staff of such hub schools will help other educational institutions. In addition to the school curriculum, we focused on opening a robotics club in each school. We hope that this will bear fruit in the future,” Lyazzat Chingisbayeva, Deputy CEO of Kazakhstan Khalkyna Pubic Fund, says Yerkinin Uusimbayev, Deputy Akim of Zhambyl region, has noted the importance of the development of rural schools and congratulated the audience on today’s joyful day.
“Today we see the results of work with our own eyes. The partnership will be continued,” the Deputy Akim of the region said
To date, the staff of the Education Sustainable Development Fund and specialists of the project partner, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO have completed work on the analysis of the educational environment and the quality of teaching at school. Analysts have formed recommendations for the development of the school as a hub, and are holding advanced training courses necessary for teachers.
From November 03 to 05, 2022, NIS Turkestan has held a 2-day offline training course for all subject teachers on the topic “Formation of the Functional Literacy of Pupils”. Trainers of the Republican Educational Programs Center (Astana) and trainers-teachers of NIS in Turkestan held courses for teachers in 14 subjects of the school curriculum.
According to the Director of the school, after upgrading the qualifications of teachers, the quality of teaching has significantly improved, and children’s involvement in the educational process.
It should be noted that the project is implemented jointly by Kazakhstan Khalkyna Public Fund and Education Sustainable Development Fund. The training programs are held Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools free of charge. And all operational and administrative expenses are reimbursed by the project operator – Education Sustainable Development Fund with the sponsorship of AITAS Holding.
The event was held in the Open Day format. Residents of the district, representatives of local executive authorities, media representatives, project partners, sponsors were invited to the event.
2023-02-22 14:35