What Innovations are Planned for the Education Sector in Aktobe region

A regional panel session of the republican August conference of education workers “Adiletti Kazakhstan: Sapaly Bilim, Adal Urpak, Tabysty Ult” has been held in Aktobe. Yeraly Tugzhanov, Akim of the region, stages of the education, members of industry trade unions, teachers, scientists, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the parent community have taken part in it. There are about 1200 people in total.

Yeraly Tugzhanov, Akim of the region has recalled that this year the council is held in a new format. The innovation of the August meeting is that all 20 regions of the country are divided into thematic areas.

“The theme “Rural School Development” is presented in Aktobe region. Equalizing the quality of education between the city and the countryside is one of the priorities. As a result of systematic work and high-quality projects, it was possible to reduce the knowledge gap. Of 404 schools in the region, more than 70 percent are rural schools, of which 204 are underfilled ones. However, the number of children in rural schools is much less than in urban ones. Only 9% of all students in the region study in rural schools. The occupancy rate of rural schools is 10 times lower than that of urban schools,” Akim of the region noted.

In order to equalize the quality of education between rural and urban schools in Aktobe region, projects were launched, as a result of which a huge number of problems have been solved. Teachers’ qualifications and digital literacy have improved, and communication between schools has been enhanced. Since the beginning of the project, the quality of children’s knowledge has been regularly monitored, according to which today the gap in education has been reduced by 4.7% (from 15% to 10.3%).

“Out of 404 secondary schools in Aktobe region, 72.5% are located in rural areas, 204 of them are underfilled ones. Our project covers 12 hub schools and 134 underfilled schools. Here, together with Kazakhstan Khalkyna Fund and NIS, we are working comprehensively to improve the material base of schools, equip them, improve the qualifications of teachers, and so on. Since its creation, our Fund has been a platform for the integration and broadcasting of the world’s best educational practices. We are grateful to our partners for their support and hope that similar projects will be implemented in other regions of the country,” Daniyar Toktarbayev, Director of the Sustainable Rural Development Fund said speaking at the conference.

The session ended with the adoption of the resolution of the August meeting.
2023-08-25 08:30